Daily Bible Verse


Merciful – Happy are those that are actively compassionate (merciful)

Merciful – Happy are those that are actively compassionate (merciful); Matthew 5:2-6

Matthew 5:2-6

And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

Blessed (happy) are the poor (crouching, begging, living on the alms of others) in spirit (operations of the pneuma hagion (holy spirit): for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed (happy) are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted (a consolation: the speaking with which he persuades and soothes).

Blessed (happy) are the meek (gentle, enduring all things with an even temper): for they shall inherit the earth (the (land).

Blessed (happy) are they which do hunger and thirst (an idiom; strongly desire) after righteousness (the character and acts of a man commanded and approved by God; the doing or being what is just and right): for they shall be filled (fed or filled with food).

Blessed (happy) are the merciful (actively compassionate: not merely unhappy for the ills of others, but desirous of relieving them): for they shall obtain mercy (actively compassionate: not merely unhappy for the ills of others, but desirous of relieving them)

Merciful – Happy are those that are actively compassionate (merciful)


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