How to know (gnosko) God; The word (logos) God’s inner thoughts
How to know (gnosko) God; The word (logos) God's inner thoughts To know - (Gnosko) - a true and personal relationship with God 1 John 2:3 - 5 3 And hereby we do know (gnosko) that we know (gnosko) him, if we keep
How to “know God” – epignosis (be acquainted with)
How to "know God" - epignosis (be acquainted with) Be filled with Grace (God's loving favor towards you) and Peace (a state of undisturbed well being) thought the instrument of being "acquainted with" God and Jesus our Lord 2 Peter 1:2 2 Grace and
A breakdown of “to know” and to be acquainted with
A breakdown of "to know" and to be acquainted with 2 Peter 1:2 2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, ROOT WORD: ginosko: to perceive, observe, obtain a knowledge of or insight into.