Everything comes through faith
Everything comes through faith, Galations 3:10-13, Galations 3:6, Galations 3:1-7, Galations 3:14
Do not frustrate or reject the grace of God
Do not frustrate or reject the grace of God, Galations 2:16-21
You are a son and heir of God
You are a son and heir of God - Galations 4:1-7
The fruit that’s planted in you
The fruit that's planted in you - Romans 7:4; Galations 5:22-25
The freedom to go where one wants
The freedom to go where one wants - Galatians 5:1-4
We are a sons out from the origins of God
We are a sons out from the origins of God - Galatians 4:1-9
Make your course of life rest in the new spiritual nature
Make your course of life rest in the new spiritual nature - Galations 5:16-18; Galatians 5:22-26
The fruit that is being produced
The fruit that is being produced - Romans 7:4-6; Galatians 5:22-23
Walk in love and stand in liberty
Walk in love and stand in liberty - Galatians 5:1; Galatians 5:5; Galatians 5:13-15
We are known of God and made visible by our love to the brethren
We are known of God and made visible by our love to the brethren - 1 John 3:10; Galatians 4:4-6; Galatians 4:9
We are set forth and justified as righteous by grace
We are set forth and justified as righteous by grace - Galations 2:16-21
Faith: Our faith is because of Abrahams believing
Our faith is because of Abrahams believing
Faith: Believe what you hear from God
Believe what you hear from God