Pressure or tribulation leads to the state of being tried and ultimately to the expectation of future good
Pressure or tribulation leads to the state of being tried and ultimately to the expectation of future good
We are reconnected resting within the life of the Messiah
We are reconnected resting within the life of the Messiah - Romans 5:6-11
Your sins are forgiven you: Sin entered into the world by one man and by one man righteousness
Sin entered into the world by one man and by one man righteousness
Your sins are forgiven you: Through Jesus Christ we have received the restoration to favor
Through Jesus Christ we have received the restoration to favor
By one sin by one righteousness
By one sin by one righteousness Romans 5:9-21 9 Much more then, being now justified (set forth as righteous) by his blood, we shall be saved (made sound) from wrath (anger to revenge) through him. 10 For if, when we were enemies (object of
Restoration to favor
Restoration to favor