Your sins are forgiven you: Death hath no more dominion over you
Death hath no more dominion over you
The gift is by grace not of debt: We are made righteous by faith without the works of the law
We are made righteous by faith without the works of the law
Put on the “new” man
Put on the "new" man
The foundational principles of the course of your life
The foundational principles of the course of your life
Walk in light and joy
Walk in light and joy
No one has the right to judge you
no one has the right to judge you
Walk by the new spiritual nature
Walk by the new spiritual nature
Live by the spirit not the law
Live by the spirit not the law,
We are children of promise
We are children of promise
We are all the sons of God
We are all the sons of God
Walk in newness of life
Walk in newness of life
God set the authorities
God set the authorities Romans 13:1-14 13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher (supreme) powers (authority). For there is no power (authority) but of God: the powers (authorities) that be are ordained (appointed) of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth (withstands) the power
God decides whom he will have mercy on
God decides whom he will have mercy on
Nothing will separate us from God’s love
Nothing will separate us from God's love