Be anxious for nothing
Be anxious for nothing Philippians 4:4-8 4 Rejoice (be delighted, please) in (resting within) the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice (be delighted, please). 5 Let your moderation (forebearance, consideration) be known (gnosko: experiential learning) unto all men. The Lord is at hand. 6 Be careful
Work out your own salvation or safety with God
Work out your own salvation or safety with God
Jesus Christ is the authority
Jesus Christ is the authority
You are victorious over this arrangement (the world)
You are victorious over this arrangement (the world)
Beware of vain philosophy and false information
Beware of vain philosophy and false information
Don’t judge another man’s servant
Don't judge another man's servant
You are enriched by him through the spirit
You are enriched by him through the spirit
Show up to work, don’t be tardy or slow
Show up to work, don't be tardy or slow
Put on the “new” man
Put on the "new" man
The foundational principles of the course of your life
The foundational principles of the course of your life